Friday, 20 January 2012

Winter decorations...without the holidays fuss

Though winter is hardly my favorite season, I get very excited around the holidays. I like to spend time with family, to eat well :-), to choose the wine they will serve, but most of all I think about how to decorate the house and Christmas tree.

But once the holidays are over and the tree was packed, the whole house seems empty. The other seasons give us more opportunities for creative decor, but we can also start the new year with very nice ideas, that we can afford.

I'll start this post with the presentation of inspired ideas for a centerpiece.

Desi iarna nu e deloc anotimpul meu preferat, devin foarte entuziasmata in prejama sarbatorilor. Imi place sa petrec timp cu familia, sa mancam bine :-), sa aleg vinul pe care il vom servi, dar mai ales sa ma gandesc la modul in care voi decora casa si bradul de Craciun.

Dar, odata ce sarbatorile au luat sfarsit si bradul a fost impachetat, intreaga casa pare goala. Restul anotimpurilor mi se par mai primitoare ca si posibilitati de decorare accesibile, insa si inceputul anului vine cu idei foarte dragute, pe care ni le putem permite .

O sa incep in acest post cu prezentarea unor idei inspirate pentru un centerpiece.

1. This is so sweet and cheap, i cannot believe how good it looks. Now I want a vase like that!
E atat de draguta si de ieftin de pus la punct incat nu pot sa cred ce efect creeaza. Imi doresc o vaza exact asa acum!
 2.  This is one of the most original ideas and reminds me of my grandmother who used to put on the stove orange or orange-peel just to "smell nice" in the winter.
 Aceasta este une dintre cele mai originale idei si imi aminteste de bunica mea care punea pe timpul iernii pe soba portocale sau coji de portocale " sa miroasa frumos".
Sursa: Decorix
3. The same inspiration, but the read-to-buy alternative.
Si in aceeasi nota, varianta de cumparat.
 Sursa: Martha Stewart
4. This arrangement is so beautiful that I regret that I put aside the pine cones after Christmas. I like how the flowers match with pine twigs.
 Acest aranjament este atat de frumos incat imi pare rau ca odata cu bradul am pus deoparte si conurile. Imi place cum se potrivesc florile cu crengutele de brad.
 Sursa: Martha Stewart
5. I'll try this candle centerpiece and I hope I'll show it in a future post. It is very versatile. I would like to use sand in other colors, to be more "winterish".
 O sa incerc si eu acest aranjament, sper sa il arat intr-un post viitor. Este foarte versatil, as vrea sa folosesc nisip in alte culori, sa fie mai "winterish".
 6. The latter is very simple and elegant. I've always adored simple white candles, allowing many successful combinations. With a different plate  (silver, white or plain glass), I think some "snowy" cones would look very nice too.
 Acesta din urma este foarte simplu si elegant. Intotdeauna am adorat lumanarile simple, albe, care permit multe combinatii reusite. Cu un suport diferit ( eventual argintiu, alb sau de sticla), cred ca ar arata foarte frumos si cateva conuri "inzapezite".

Stay Inspired!

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